Discover how schools are using Frog

For many Frog schools, moving to a virtual school model of operation is nothing new. Frog works with schools around the world and our community has encountered closure through everything from natural disasters, to severe weather patterns and even social upheaval.

In this blog we are sharing experiences and demonstrating the ways in which schools use Frog to carry on with business when the world closes down, and more importantly shape how they do things when things return to normal. 



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Handing in paper-based worksheets when school is closed
Apr 8, 2020, 8:15 AM

Frog Assignments has the full complement of self-marking quizzes, file drop and text activities for work that's created on the computer, but Mayflower High School were looking for a solution to submit assignments that have been produced on paper...


The solution for them was to use FrogSnap.  Staff continued to set Assignments with the addition of a File Drop plus some basic instructions. Pupils can now prepare their written work on paper as usual, take a photograph of it using the free FrogSnap app on their phone and upload directly to the Assignment that was set for them. 



Example from Mayflower High School


Submissions can then by annotated by the teacher using the Assignments Feedback feature or all work can be downloaded onto a local computer.


Get Started with FrogSnap!


Download FrogSnap from your app store...



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Frog schools are doing amazing things already, which is why we will be asking you to help us help the schools that need it. If you’ve got something useful to pass on then please send it to us so that we can include it on here for others.

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