The school shutdown has brought upon schools an instant need to change the way they work.
We have many guides and videos of how to use Frog in our community pages, but schools are also asking us for help with other things. So far this has included using Frog to support many areas of school life, including setting work for students, structuring the school day, involving parents in supporting their child at home, keeping the school community going and even supporting wellbeing and safeguarding.
The purpose of this Frog Blog is to send out regular posts, to share some of the best practise from our schools.
If you hit the Subscribe button we’ll email you each post to keep you updated. We won’t sell your email address. Of course, we continue to collaborate with schools on a daily basis and we’re here for you, doing just that.
How you can get involved…
Frog schools are doing amazing things already, which is why we will be asking you to help us help the schools that need it. If you’ve got something useful to pass on then please send it to us so that we can include it on here for others.
It’s time for the Frog family to pull together!