Using Feedback in FrogLearn

8th September, 2020

Frog Education

Avoid book handling and cleaning with the Feedback feature available in FrogLearn*.

Marking books manually has become more difficult in the COVID-19 environment. In order to collect, mark and return work delays are inevitably added because of cleaning and quarantining submissions. The Feedback Application, available in every FrogLearn platform (and as part of the HomeLearning package), is an ideal way for students to submit work and for teachers to provide feedback, all without a physical exchange of books or paperwork.


How to use Frog Feedback


Watch this short guide to see how it works!


Frog Feedback in action...

How some schools are managing the process using Frog:


Link-Mayflower    Link-Greenshaw    Link-Mulberry


*Available in every FrogLearn platform and as part of the HomeLearning package.

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