Frog Ribbits | Frog Education

Get your Frog platform back-to-school ready

Written by Kermit | 27-Aug-2020 06:30:00

We have lots of great resources to help you with your back-to-school preparations.

Frog Community

This online library holds a wealth of 'how to' videos you can follow. Here's some handy shortcuts to get you started:

Real World Learning using Frog

Find out who is logging into Frog

Setting work across a whole year group


Forum FAQs

Visit the Commonly Asked Questions section within the Frog forum for useful guidance.


Frog Helpdesk

Our team of advisors are on hand to help solve your Frog queries. There's also Support FAQ's to help you locate a solution quickly or raise a ticket to receive assistance.

or Contact Frog Service Team 


Start of Year Tasks

Need to prepare your platform for the new term?
Advice for admins here:


We'd like to wish all of our Frog schools
a safe and successful return.