Safe distribution of exam results using Frog

6th July, 2020

Frog Education

Two Frog schools shared their approach to the safe distribution of exam results. 


Frederick Gough School & ePortfolios 

A large secondary located in Scunthorpe, Frederick Gough School has made great use of Frog ePortfolios to distribute individual exam results. The ePortfolio system enables the quick creation of a secure page (known as a Site) for every student across a year group. The school plans to add a results file to every student’s ePortfolio the day before results day. On the morning of collection, students will be given access to their page which will securely contain their results.  


Controlling Access 

Using the ePortfolio List widget a direct link to each student’s page can be added from the student dashboard.  The important thing to note is that each ePortfolio is private to the individual and the school is in control of sharing it. 


Finham Park School and FrogParent SIMS Linked Documents 

Finham Park is a large secondary school located in Coventry and they plan to use FrogParent SIMS Linked Documents to distribute their exam results.  SIMS can publish individual reports to Frog, which Frog displays using the Linked Documents widget.  These results can be published from SIMS as soon as the data is in the MIS.   


Controlling Access 

The results are not visible to students until the school’s Frog administrator uses FrogParent Manager to publish the documents.  By using FrogParent, the team control when and how exam results are seen by pupils. 


Note for Admins: 
To ensure students can see their own documents, make sure you have the preferences set in System Preferences. 

Like to setup something similar for your school? Get in touch and we'll talk over your options.

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