Our new home on the web

14th October, 2016

By Danika O'Connor, Digital Marketing Manager

Last week we launched our new website which so far (fingers crossed!) has had some great feedback from our customers, and seems to be getting a great response online.

Moving house

The aim of this new website was simple; we wanted to have a place online for everyone associated with Frog. A place where everything you could possibly need is at your fingertips.

Previously we had a separate blog, community, forums etc. spread across the internet, which we felt made it difficult for our customers to find us. The new website makes it a thousand times easier. All these things are still available so don’t worry about that, but you can access them all through the website.

We never want getting in touch with us, or taking part in Frog events to be hard work for you, and there is so much going on that we want you to know about!


All in one place

With the new website you may have seen a huge range of events that we’re really excited about, the Life After Levels Conferences are a great place for schools to understand what the removal of national attainment levels means for assessment and the speakers we have will be giving you practical examples of how they’ve achieved and shown progress in light of the changes. One not to be missed, especially by those trying to improve their SATs results.

Our blog has moved home from our separate blog site to our new website, we felt that by keeping everything in the same place we make it easier for you to be part of the conversation.

There are so many new things that I think listing them all here would bore you all to tears, so why not take a look around and let us know what you think!

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