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Setting work across a whole year group

Written by Frog Education | Mar 31, 2020 1:26:19 PM

Using Markbook to create and set homework for every class in a year group.

The Head of Computing at Mulberry School for Girls wanted to be able to set homework for the whole year group, but was concerned that in doing so, his teaching team would not have a feasible way to mark the assignments.

This problem is easily solved by using the Frog Markbook.

The Markbook saves time when setting and marking work because one teacher can assign work across the whole cohort and each individual teacher can asses their own classes. It also gives a picture of everything a student has been set, which is useful when trying to control their workload at home.


Here's a useful guide to Frog Markbook:



Record all Homework Activity

  • Assignment hand-ins and non-submissions for online and offline homework.
  • Late but completed submissions.
  • Non-completion due to absenteeism.


Share Resources

  • Search homework content within mark books to reuse/duplicate and share assignments.
  • Set assignments across whole departments enabling the same piece of homework to be set for all classes.


Gain Insight

  • Full online overview of how each child is progressing in your class with export to .csv option.
  • View reports by class, student or subject - ideal for parents evenings!


Simplified Marking

  • Mark work online and keep a record of student grades in the Markbook (supports multiple marking schemes).
  • Highlights status of current grades against target grades.