Bedford High School had been using Frog for over 6 years, with mixed success in terms of getting the whole school community to engage with the Virtual Learning Environment. When the closures were announced, they realised the one infrastructure that would remain stable during the challenging times ahead was technology. With a focus on providing home learning support for their students, Bedford High worked with Frog on a design update of their Parent and Student portals to make them more appealing and user-friendly.
Preparation and training
The school took fast action ahead of enforced school closures, creating a clear and coherent contingency plan for how their home learning process would work. They placed Frog at the centre of this, with all assigned work to be put through their platform.
All students received refresher training to ensure they knew how to use Frog and guidance was provided for the new virtual home learning process.
The process included the use of FrogSnap as a feedback tool for teachers, enabling them to provide whole-class feedback rather than every student individually.
To ensure parents were well-informed and engaged in the process, Frog Messaging was used to keep them updated.
The impact
"The analytics were showing we had captured the school community's attention as we were seeing a six-fold increase in users."
"We have found that our users have become more accustomed and accomplished with their use of Frog and we are dealing with significantly less technical issues."
Gabriel Calwell Assistant Headteacher
The school is also using Frog to help subject leaders (SL's) to build their refined curricula. A Bedford High School Curriculum site has been devised to ensure SL's upload key resources to support their subject curriculum. This ensures all subject resources are in one place.
Summary of approach