Frog Ribbits | Frog Education

Ideas for Student Volunteering Week 11-17 February

Written by Kermit | 07-Feb-2019 07:59:00

There's lots you can do in Frog to support themed days you'd like to promote within your school. Here's some ideas for Student Volunteering Week...

 Volunteering can be an enriching experience for young people as well as an opportunity to get involved in community life outside of school.

Use FrogLearn to support your activities:

1. Celebrate and share volunteer activities
A simple Frog Form lets students tell you how they have been helping out in the community. Share these stories with your headteacher and celebrate the student's achievements in an assembly.

2. A space for individuals to capture their experience
Create an ePortfolio for every volunteer student. Ask them to populate their page with a diary of their volunteering experience and include photographs (which can be taken securely with the free FrogSnap app).

3. Effortlessly administrate 
Need to organise the volunteers? You can use Frog Forms to communicate volunteering options and to collect relevant permissions from parents or co-organisers. Using digital forms reduces administration and keeps everything in one place.

What's more!

 We've included Free digital signage assets for your school - use this to promote Student Volunteering Week on your screens!

Did you know you can run digital signage through Frog?

Here's how North Lakes School did it...