Frog Ribbits | Frog Education

Using a seating planner to identify 'at risk' bubbles

Written by Kermit | 03-Nov-2020 06:45:00

Here's how the Seating Plans application is providing additional value for two Frog schools...

The Seating Plans Frog Application already supports classroom organisation and serves as a handy reference for supply teachers but in stories shared by two Frog schools the application has proved to be even more valuable.

Created by Paul Conkie from Backwell School using FrogCode, Seating Plans enables class layout through an easy drag and drop facility.

Isolation Requirements

Throughout the pandemic Greenshaw High School has been using Seating Plans to identify pupils sat next to any child forced to self-isolate and alert them. This has helped reduce disruption and in some cases alleviated the need to send large groups home.

Seated for Dinner

For North Lakes the application is already well used in the classroom but has now been put to work to devise seating plans for the dinner hall. Each sitting is projected onto a large screen to keep everyone safely distanced. Additionally the application enables senior leaders and the admin team to access every plan quickly and discretely in the event of a need to 'Track and Trace'.

Seating Plans are available to download. As a school creation this is not an official Frog product but a really useful tool which we will endeavour to support as best we can.