Safer Internet Day 2020

The Internet is a great learning tool! Here's how Frog helps you and your pupils to use it safely...

1.  Social Media Themes 

In last week's Ribbit we introduced brand new social media themes, These allow teachers and pupils to interact socially (just as you would on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) within a secure environment. We can add these themes to your FrogLearn platform on request...

Go social with Frog!

2.  Discover

Schools need resources and whilst the Internet provides rich pickings for visual and video material, it can be tainted by advertising or of poor quality. When building your content in Frog, Discover provides a gallery of video and photo media that is ad-free and safe for use.

Discover with Frog!


 3.  FrogSnap

Mobile phones are great for capturing activities as they happen but every photograph creates a digital footprint that could risk exposure beyond agreed permissions. With FrogSnap that fear is taken away, pictures taken within the App upload to Frog instantly and come out of individual phone galleries to ensure all media is protected.

Get Started with FrogSnap!


Safer Internet Day 2020




Topics: Product, ribbit, mobile app, EdTech, MyFrog, FrogLearn

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