Frog Pedagogy - an amazing free resource for teachers

We’re proud to share an exciting new course on learning approaches from Matt Mclaughlin, a teacher at Talbot County Public Schools in Maryland, USA.


Matt worked with Frog as part of his Masters to create training materials for his teachers.  He took the approach of exploring the concepts behind Blended Learning, including:

 Tick_1 Flipped Learning
Tick_1 Flexed Learning
Tick_1 Data for differentiation
Tick_1 Station Rotation
Tick_1 Lesson Planning

"Frog Pedagogy was created with teachers in mind.  Built directly from Adult Learning Theory and using UDL principles, the training was created so that teacher and administrators of FrogLearn could get the more from Frog. technology"

The course comprises 5 sites, including videos, resources and self-assessment methods.  All you need to do is click the link and tell us that you want it and we'll do the rest!  


What's more this resource is free to download from the FrogStore.
Simply search for ‘pedagogy’.


Have fun!



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