St Andrew’s Catholic School is a large secondary school in Surrey. They have been using Frog as their learning platform for over 11 years.
We can see that their platform consistently reaches between 70,000 and 90,000 logins a month so we know it’s fully embedded across the school. However, the MyFrog app has seen over an incredible 120,000 interactions within the same time!
MyFrog was designed to provide convenient access to school-related information and resources in the way that young people engage with the world nowadays – their mobile phones. Students can view the homework set to them and even hand in assignments directly through the app too.
It’s not just for students, either. Staff and parents can log in as well, giving teachers a clear view of their classes and parents an easy way to stay in the loop with their child’s learning.
The impact of Frog...
We spoke with Clare Uttley, Head of Sixth Form, to find out how they have been able to encourage such brilliant use of the Frog platform and app at St Andrew’s and they told us:
“Over the last eleven years Frog has established a brilliant relationship with St Andrew’s and have been instrumental in enabling us to devise a learning platform tailor made to our needs. The user interface allows students and parents to easily access resources, especially homework and revision materials.
The easy functionality of Frog means that staff can quickly upload homework, resources and student progress reports. All of these mean that all users find Frog an easy platform to navigate and so all parties buy into its usage.”
Extra Support
If you’d like to take your school’s learning platform to the next level, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re here to help!