Moorhouse Primary: Making Great Progress

Embedding new technology into the culture and everyday practice of a school is key for a successful implementation. 


In their first year with FrogProgress, Moorhouse Primary School had a whole host of activities lined up to fully embrace a new way of working.

The secrets of their success:

Tick_1 Electing Frog champions at pupil and teacher level
Tick_1 Involving parents in a training session
Tick_1 Inviting the Frog team to the school for inspiration
Tick_1 Keeping things simple, enabling teachers to adapt to the changes
Tick_1 Rolling out Frog in core subjects first, one class at a time


"Frog is truly changing the way we teach - with formative, ongoing assessment now a part of everyday life in the classroom, we are serving our pupils in the best way we can"

Kimberley Jepson, Year 3 Teacher and Frog Champion


Find out how they approached their FrogProgress implementation:






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