Frog Ribbits | Frog Education

Everyone involved in learning at The Winston Churchill School

Written by Kermit | 18-Oct-2018 06:47:00

Empowering students and increasing parental visibility high on the agenda for The Winston Churchill School.

 Using FrogProgress, the school had the ability to divide their curriculum into 'skills' and 'content' categories across every subject. A grade was then awarded for each, providing a comprehensive review of student progress.

 Following progress through to GCSE means students can now track their own learning and parents have visibility of their child's attainment.

 Teachers can easily identify students' skills and content gaps in preparation for GCSE examinations and adapt work accordingly.


"We are the first [school we know of] to try an assessment system quite like this, so we've been innovating through trial and error to get it just right. Now other schools can benefit from this model as an example to follow" 

John Parsons, Assistant Headteacher


Find out how they achieved it: