Last Minute Exam Support

Quizzes are a great way to support
learners with their revision 

Jo Sowerby, Head of Year 9 at Frederick Gough School has created a short video tutorial of how to use their quiz system. By keeping the video informal, Jo shows how simple it is to create knowledge check resources that can be used again and again by your students...

Watch now


With exams fast approaching and revision well underway, it’s worth considering creating a few additional revision quizzes to help support your students with their study. If you're unsure how to do this - visit our Quizzes course on the Community...



And check out our Revision Portal available for free
from the FrogStore...

Revision Portal  Open FrogStore 



We learned about Jo’s video when it was submitted it as part of the Frog specialist course. If you would like to prove you're a Frog Specialist or a Frog Genius, click the link to find out more... 

Frog Accreditation


Topics: Product, Parental Engagement, Learning, ribbit, revision, EdTech, FrogLearn, Exams, Sharing, FrogFamily, sharingiscaring, examsupport

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