Make Frog work for you!

We know that not all schools use Frog in the same way and that’s exactly as it should be. Find what works for you and keep it going.

We have recently spoken with Ian Brown, the Leader of ICT Development at Jarrow School, a mixed secondary school in South Tyneside who have used Frog for around 10 years, to find out what is working out well for them with the platform.

"The IT helpdesk is still going strong… it’s our ticket tracking and knowledgebase core…those that use it see the benefit of our response times and issue tracking.”


Ian has led the development of Frog from the start and has been key to driving the use in school and finding new ways to make the platform work for everyone.

We’re using Frog for our termly newsletters… We build it on a public site behind a menu tab hidden to all but admins and SLT then send it live once everything is proofed… It’s been really well received.”

And that’s not all. Ian is starting to create public facing sites in Frog as revision containers during their assessment windows to target specific parents and year groups. This is another brilliant way to deliver content to students and so that parents are able to view it too.

If you’d like any support with establishing any of the platform elements that support Jarrow then let us know and we’ll help you re-create it for your school.

Get in touch 


Topics: Product, Parental Engagement, Learning, ribbit, EdTech, FrogLearn, Sharing, FrogFamily, sharingiscaring, tracking

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