Frog Ribbits | Frog Education

Great homework & independent learning looks like this... fancy a bit more?

Written by Kermit | 09-Nov-2017 08:15:00

At BETT 2017 we heard what great homework & independent learning looks like at Harrogate High School.

Lee Wilson, Assistant Head was one of our many presenters at the Frog Customer Zone. You can grab Lee's slides here.

We’re taking over BETT again this year with our Customer Zone at La Barrique where you can hear more presentations like Lee's, giving you inspirtation and useful tips for your school.

This year you can book a free 1 : 1 consultancy session, network with other schools and chat with the Frog team over lunch. You can even attend some free training workshops. You can book your free tickets below.



Hope to see you there,