Frog Ribbits | Frog Education

Sharing Exam Results via Frog

Written by Kermit | 14-Jun-2022 06:45:00

We are delighted to share some stories with you from Frog schools about how they’ve used their platform to issue exam results.  FrogParent can distribute results via its SIMS Linked Documents* and many schools like Greenshaw use it for this purpose. 


In 2020, Frederick Gough School started using ePortfolios as a means of distributing their personal, private documents, but this can be labour intensive.  Another approach was needed and that’s when both Frome Academy and Belvidere School contacted Frog to ask if we could help them too.  


The issue 

Distributing exam results during the summer break has always been an issue with some students being on holiday or working.  But in 2021, pupils were also forced to self-isolate.  With Frog’s platform available and everyone having logins it seems the obvious choice. 


The solution 

Frog has many personalisation options, but the challenge here was to take a spreadsheet of data and show each student only their own information.  Forms in Frog are ideal for this, with Access Control being able to limit entries to only the logged-in user.  School personnel could manually enter the exam results for each student, but this would take hours, so instead a new FrogCode widget was used to show the information. 


The Data-to-Form widget enables a teacher or admin to copy the contents of a spreadsheet and paste it into a Form.  The widget handles displaying only the personal data back to the user (in this case eager A-Level or GCSE recipient) while the Form’s security ensure the data retrieved is only visible to that user.  Our Solutions Architect, Graham Quince worked with the schools, talking them through using the widget and was available to help with any last-minute issues once the actual data was in school. 


On the morning of results day, the widget was made visible to students.  When they logged into Frog, they could immediately see how they’d done. 

Claire Collier, Deputy Headteacher at Belvidere School reported:

“Success… it all went really smoothly this morning.  There are students at home that have told students in school about their results and therefore I know it’s worked for them too!” 


Paul Durber, Assistant Principal at Frome College: 

Frog has made this so easy, it’s so much better than
what we did last year.”


You can find a guides to using forms and access control as well as other courses in our training section via this link...


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* For schools who don’t use SIMS, there are other options.