Frog Ribbits | Frog Education

How did Yardleys School become FrogPlay quiz champions?

Written by Kermit | 21-Jun-2018 06:54:29

Yardleys School scooped top place on the UK Leaderboard of the FrogPlay World Championships - but how did they do it?

Simple...Yardleys changed their approach to managing homework and monitoring student progress.

"Following a very successful trial with Year 9 last summer, we moved whole-heartedly into setting all homework across all subjects with online quizzes in FrogPlay"

David Pohl, Deputy Head


And the result?

"I've seen tremendous engagement and progress being made by all students across all of the quizzes. For the first time ever we now have a sustainable strategy towards homework and visibility of gaps we need to address plus every single student is fully engaged."

Using FrogPlay teachers can get accurate reporting and insights into the impact on their student's learning, all consolidated into one system.

Estimated Number of Hours Saved on Marking: 8.5k

Time Spent by Yardleys Students using FrogPlay: 61,000 Hours



To find out more about FrogPlay, please get in touch with the team