Frog Ribbits | Frog Education

Create your Enrichment Portal on Frog

Written by Kermit | 13-Jun-2023 07:30:00

During Enrichment Week, timetables are collapsed and students are offered a range of alternative learning experiences outside of the usual curriculum.

Adrian Tate at Gosforth Academy in Newcastle has shared with us how they communicate information and save time by adding their enrichment week to Frog. The school is part of the Gosforth Group and their enrichment week is known as Yellow Week. All students have no scheduled classes for the final week of term and instead they can choose from several activities which including residential trips, day trips or school-based activities.




The portal has been created so that all the information for students, staff and parents can be shared easily using Frog’s rule option in the site editor – in other words, you only see what is relevant to you! 


All the choices have their own page, covering what the week will involve, cost and links to locations for the week. The portal also makes use of Frog forms for parents to send in questions, sign their children up for activities as well as completing a medical questionnaire for their child. 


The impact


Not only does this save printing costs for the school, but it also saves time by having everything online – no checking spelling or trying to decipher handwriting and there is a log of everything for the school. It also means they can make sure activities are allocated fairly as each form is date and time stamped on submission.


If you’d like support on using any of these features to create your own enrichment Portal then get in touch with us. We’re always happy to help! 



Gosforth have been part of the Frog Family for over 10 years and have shared many of their ideas and ways they use the platform. Check out their secure SEND records where they were securely able to create a record for each SEND student using ePortfolios...