History isn't repeating at Davison High School

A flipped learning approach made History class much more engaging 

A history lesson covering significant turning points in World War II was just not getting the attention it deserved in class. A new approach to the lesson using a digital 'site' page in Frog flipped the learning, with students following up on their class group exercise as a homework assignment. They were asked to watch all group videos  (uploaded to the Frog site) and take part in a written task on the site giving their reasons for selecting a preferred video.



Tick_1 Students in control of their own learning 

Tick_1 Students engaged in the subject to complete the assignment

Tick_1 Freed lesson time for other activities

Tick_1All completed digitally, no print costs


This was the winning Trump provided by Adam Smith from Davison High in our Meet, Share & Learn competition. Congratulations Adam we love this inspiring use of Frog!

Get the full trump here...





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