News | Frog Education

A taste of what's to come in the Dickens Release

Written by Graham Thorpe | 14-Oct-2016 09:00:00
Graham Thorpe is a Product Manager at Frog. He was a customer back in the early days before he worked for us, and has been involved in a wide variety of projects during his time at the company.

Our next release


We’re well on with our next release which we’re calling Dickens. It’s the usual mix of delivering things you’ve asked us for on the Ideas Portal, along with some new features and improvements. We’re particularly pleased that there’s plenty in here for both new FrogLearn customers and those who have been with us for longer, wanting to move from Frog 3 to FrogLearn.


Based on your feedback, we have been improving


The new Create Event widget and improved Calendar widget will let you embed a calendar in a site and allow users to create events without leaving the site - in essence, building your own booking calendar!

We've removed the limitation of using a percentage or score when marking assignments in Custom Markschemes grading. You can now define your own grade sets - letting you grade work the way you want.

A much requested Homework Calendar widget that can be used on public sites as well as within the platform will be ready by the time we release. There’s some time-savers in there as well - we will be implementing the ability for users to reset their own passwords - and along with some new admin tools to extract data on parents and children, which will really help you set up and maintain parent accounts with less fuss.

Bug squashing is always a thing in tech and we’ve nailed a few of the things you found most annoying - for example a pesky timeout that got in the way if you had to leave your computer logged in to Frog. You’ll also have a way of keeping your sites lean by deleting any unused files that may be lurking.

More to come

Of course, we have some other exciting things in the pipeline that are top secret right now - so keep your eye on us for some interesting announcements in the near future.